Between listening to Rise Against, watching V for vendetta and law abiding citizen, and my readings for environmental psychology and natural resources, may be causing my rebel, conspirator or even my inner Che Guevara to be brought to light. No I don't believe in over throwing the government or do any crazy, radical terroristic threat to anyone or anywhere. But I do believe that we should be more aware of the world around us. The book I had to read for En Psych, was called "Zeitoun" its about a guy from Syria that through a long course of events, ends up starting a family and a promising construction company in New Orleans. The story plays out like this: (Sorry for spoilers, but oh well im saving you time. unless you do still do want to read it.) The year was 2005, and there have been hurricane warnings for the gulf areas. Zeitoun, doesn't want to leave his house, and the many other properties which he looks over, up to mother nature. So, his family leaves for Baton Rouge, and he decided to ride out the storm in his house, in hope that he can save major damage from happening to his properties. Hurricane Katrina happens.... throughout the actual hurricane, his house did not happen to suffer any major destruction, but the aftermath is where the story really begins. After the storm had run its course, the levees that protect New Orleans from these kind of natural events, collapsed and made an already sketchy New Orleans city into something you might see on a post-apocalyptic video game "Fallout". after the city had been mostly flooded and many areas had been completely consumed by water, there was anarchy that followed. people were robbing, raping, killing, stealing other people for simple supplies like water and food. Others formed gang like operations and would loot people, their houses, the stores for essentials and other goods like, boats, generators and so forth. While this was going on, multiple armed forces teams, police and hired guns from all over the country were send to the remains of NOLA. These were war ready army forces that were going to go to the middle east, to fight our war on terrorism, but were transferred to NOLA to uphold the peace. What went on in the after math of Katrina was horrific. Zeitoun luckily had a old aluminum canoe that he would go around and help people get off their homes roofs, out of their houses and would often times bring supplies to those in need. while canoeing around, he found some old friends who also stayed back during the storm. He and his 3 friends ended up getting arrested in a swat team like procedure because they were assumed to be looters and terrorists. they were then sent to make shift prisons (that didn't exist) of which were treated very, very badly.
How much power does our government have over us, what can they do and how much do they hide from us? Granted, I wouldn't want to tell my entire country that wrongs that I have done, how much they are in danger or how to deal with incredibly controversial subjects either. Somethings are good for us to be oblivious to, it keeps us happy not knowing what all is going around us. But there are certain things that you can not hide from the people. Like the mistreatment of a lot of hurricane Katrina survivors for instance.... aaaaaaand Yucca Mountain. If you don't know what it is, its 70,000 metric ton facility for nuclear waste. Nuclear waste from all over the United States, but mostly the east. Nuclear waste that will take up to 10,000 years to not be detrimental for your health. how exactly are they going to move the waste from the east, to the desert of Nevada..... trucks and trains......
I don't know if you notice, but the transportation mostly would go through 1-80 and 1-15 to make it to Yucca. The nuclear waste would have to pass through SLC and Cedar. To remove the waste completely, they would have to send trucks as big as football fields many times for 25-30 years. and what if an accident happened and a truck crashed? that surrounding 30 mile radius would be deemed as " Uninhabitable"
Again, I'm not saying that we need to over throw our government in hopes of "new world order" I do however believe that we need to be a more educated people, know who we are voting for and hold our government more accountable for wrongs that are done and work together to solve and help when it comes to Natural disasters and man made disasters like In Japan, where an earthquake caused a tsunami, running into and destroying a nuclear power plant.
“People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.”
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