With school starting tomorrow, I feel inspired to write a blog about all of the other things I would rather be doing, and those include: eating Boudin till I pass out, Drinking Tremendous amounts of Mtn Dew, getting a horse and chasing sunsets, getting a snowmobile and riding up some mountain until I run out of gas, then go snowshoeing and survive in the wilderness, or maybe swallowing glass…. what ever the case may be, I still have to go to school this semester to finish up my associate of science, and pre reqs for my outdoor recreation degree at SUU next fall. With that being said, I plan on being in school for the next couple years, to finish my bachelors degree, so I might as well try to make the most of my college experience. When the semester first starts, one of two things happens. You either start off gung-ho and do work at the beginning and go hard for the first couple weeks, until your first exam, then you kinda abandon ship. Or you start off hating class and dreading it for the whole semester.. Well, I think its better to work hard since you are paying for it ( or work harder because your parents are paying for it) either way, someone is paying some serious money for you to attend higher education. Sometimes the semester seems like a major drag, and sometimes it is, but in hind site it is incredibly short! every semester I seem to go to, ends up going by faster than the last one, which went by very fast. Just like in sports practice, it seems like the worst when you have extra conditioning, or weights after practice. studying is in a way just like that, it is absolutely terrible while you are doing it, but when you study or work hard in general, there is never a bad side effect. You might not get to go out with your buds one night, or take a cute gal you've had your eye on for a while, but it'll all work out in the end for the better!

I guess to get back to the title// Into The wild……
last semester I had an American Literature class, in which we read, read and read some more. sometimes awful, but other times great! My favorite times in class were when we got to read thoreau and whitman! These authors painted incredible pictures of life in the Wild, that got my imagination going! during class while we would discuss these topics, my mind was really never in class, but somewhere in an untamed land with no laws and natures justice ruling the land! Somewhere that you didn't have to worry about school, peoples very sensitive feelings, fashion and random peoples drama.. a place where you're animal instincts come in, and you just survive.

Unless I move to remote Alaska, Canada or Russia thats most likely not going to happen, so I'm going to make the most out of my situation at hand in O Little town of Ephraim. My degree is going to be in outdoor recreation so not only I can participate in the finer activities of life, but so I can show others what its like to really like to LIVE WILD and experience nature for the better. To not be scared of the wild unknown, but to embrace and harness that inner explorer inside them! To keep the semester from getting to dull, I chose to take a Backpackng and a bowling class! Besides that, I made a goal to at least once a week, to go out and explore!
Well, Ace, Im out of here for now, but remember to make the most out of your situations and LIVE WILD!
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