So far on Christmas break, the majority of my time has been spent listening to music. I listen to music in the shower in the morning before I head to work, where I mostly listen to my iPod on shuffle the whole day. Drive home and turn on the radio…. Okay, you get it.. I listen to music ALOT. Today I found myself really focusing on the lyrics of the songs, instead of the awesome crazy shredding of Metal, or the cool, calming sounds of country. I was zoned in, on what the songs messages were, and that got my little brain thinking.., "Wow, I wonder what would happen if I really talked to people and expressed myself with those same words? What would happen if I went up to that cute girl that I've been crushing on and spit out some good ole country lyrics?"
Music is one of the biggest parts of my life… Might sound silly, per say. But, music has a way of getting deep down and to the point, strike our feelings like no one, or anything else can. These artists that we listen to, have a deep affect on us, because we can relate with the song. Music can better express our feelings better than we can most times. Sometimes when I listen to a song that I haven't heard in a while, my brain decides to replay pretty much every single memory I have associated with that tune or particular song…. Like when ever I hear Chris browns "Forever" I think of 9th grade promotion, or I hear Atreyu's "Right side of the bed" or Missy Eliots "lose control" I think of when I was 12 years old and my TC Predators team was playing in Cooperstown, NY for a baseball tourney..Luke Bryan's "Country Girl shake it for me" takes me back to the best summer of my life when I was In the great state of Louisiana with my Boy Jake Crump.
Besides bringing up old memories, when you really LISTEN to the music.. (and there is a BIG difference between Listening and hearing) it makes you think, and not only think, but feel certain things… While I was at work today I heard the song "Stay Inspired" by one of my all time favorite bands We Came As Romans!
"Why do we love only when it's convenient to us?
Why do we love only when it's convenient to us?
It is because we don't want to let go
Of the security that a close heart holds?
Or is it the risk of being broken?
Too unbearable to even let the thought surface
There are greater rewards in stepping outside of your own comfort
That there are in never breaking down the walls that you've built
A solely self-sustaining life is surely a hollow one
Why do we love only when it's convenient to us?
Why are we understanding only when it's agreeable?
It is because we don't want to let go
Of the security that a close heart holds?
Or is it the risk of being broken?
Too unbearable to even let the thought surface
There are greater rewards in coexistence
That there are in never breaking down the walls that you've built
A solely self-sustaining life is surely a hollow one
Why do we love only when it's convenient to us?
It's time to take action
It's time to stay inspired
It's time to prove that we aren't all talk
And we're not afraid of the risks"
If those words don't get you wanting to make peace with your ghosts and enemies, and want to be a better person, then you are really lost.
Besides making you want to better yourself, music can make you want to go out, and have wild adventures, have a grand ole time with your bff's, but can make you want to go out and have some crazy forbidden romance! like the great words of Garth Brooks:
"Hello, Samantha, dear
I hope you're feeling fine
And it won't be long
Until I'm with you all the time
But until then
I'll spend my money
Up right down to my last dime
Callin' Baton Rouge!"

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