Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How Finals are for me...

With it being finals week, i decided i would take some quality time away from studying, and talk to y'all about  finals.
Finals week. The most scary stories in the world are brought to us, from this. Wither it be losing some giant assignment, having your computer crash at 6 am the day of when your final 10 page essay is due, having to redo every single assignment you have done the whole year up to that point, sleeping in and missing a final, because you forgot what day it was, because all you have been doing in studying and eating and barley seeing the outside light, or having THEE entire semester to do an assignment, but getting to it the morning before you have to turn it in.  We all have our own finals nightmare stories, or at least have heard of them from our friends. But are finals really THAT bad?? I have a bittersweet relationship with finals, because yes it sucks having the biggest assignments/ projects and tests all due at once from all of your classes, but you also have a week of pretty much not doing anything! Take monday for example. I was able to sleep in till about 12, then get up and study the freak out of some math, for my test that day… study all day, go to some review sessions with some other students that are going through the same traumatic experience i am going through. So we bonded because of our genuine hate of mathematics and how our professor is a really nice guy, but is very very extremely smart and awkward. But he can't teach a lick of math, because he knows it, so why shouldn't we??  So we study our little brains off, until they turn to mush. Take the test, actually feel some what confident about it, so i tell myself i deserve a nap! So after walking home and realizing how I actually am an idiot and probably didn't get a single answer right, decide to take a mean nap, to maybe forget how mean the real world really is! So yeah, i guess when I'm stressed ( Which hardly happens, because i usually care a lot less about most everything than anyone! Unless it has to to with LSU sports, then I get real rilled up!) I take naps, but i mostly take naps everyday, just i told myself this is a special nap because I worked so hard to get that mentally tired!
So what I've come to conclude is, that finals week is actually pretty good! Because it actually tests what you know. Imagine you are on a sports team, and you always practiced, but never got to play. Kinda sucks right?? Well, to me, big tests actually make sense to study really hard, to prove you actually know something! That and if you don't have a final that day, you get the whole day to study and actually hangout and do somethings you normally wouldn't! For example, today I didn't have any finals and Dallen, Clark and I made a good roomie dinner of tacos, with ground beef, chile, corn and katchup. because we didn't have any taco sauce… I know it is just tacos, but it meant a lot to us, because we never had any sit down meals with our roomies the whole semester, because everyone is doing their own thing and no one has time to make a nice meal!
Finals week is very bitter sweet, because you find out how amazing us college students really are! I mean who else in the world, ( besides The Rainman) can learn an ENTIRE semesters worth of material in ONE night!?? so the massive amounts of studying sucks, but you also have a few off days to do various activities you never  got to during the semester, or you can literally do nothing and write a blog about finals at 130 in the morning, because you know you can sleep the whole day tomorrow if you so please!
With regards to finals……… use my second rule….. DO WORK!!!

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