Sunday, July 6, 2014

I like to explore and stuff...

I'm sitting at home not moving, because my bud and I at 11:30 at night on Friday decided to go hike a giant mountain at 5 am. So I am VERY sore, and can't move around very well, so I decided to write this blog.

    While hiking that treacherous mountain, I was thinking about all of my life expeditions and all the places I've been blessed to be on and go. This last year has been the hardest year of my life to this point. Ever since I broke and tore my foot my Sr year of high school, my life has changed dramatically. And in those changing times, ive felt lost more times than not. Often I wouldn't know where I was going, where I wanted to go, how I would get there or even where I was and what I could offer to this world. When I was in American literature this last fall semester, we read Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, London and all sorts of other authors that write about exploring and finding yourself. I have always been one to adventure and find out where things go and how stuff works( I mean-- my friend Jake and I went to Louisiana a few days after graduating high school, simply because ... Why not! ) I've been to so many incredible places throughout my life because of baseball and various things, because of that I think I have a rare condition called..... Wanderlust.. A rare condition that makes you lust for adventure, never being still and exploring new places to find yourself in ( that and ADHD haha).  while in a state of wanderlust, I read Walden by H.D Thoreau and in it, he writes about living in the wilderness, why he lives there, and a lot about being self reliant. I kinda took to heart the whole "get lost to find yourself" thing. While trying to find myself, I've
Explored a lot, a lot by myself too, because I just don't have time for sketchy people.. I mean last second, then all of the sudden you have to baby sit, family party and do some homework. Its like, I get it... But that's why I've been to a lot of places alone, just me in the cool , crisp mountain air thinking about life.
After a while, I was never really getting answers to anything I wanted to know. While thinking about that, I realized I was slacking in the whole being spiritual game. I wasn't doing anything bad, I just wasn't being as good as I should. And by that I mean, would pretty much only go to sacrament, because there was always some good mlb, NBA, college or NFL game on to watch. Then one weekend I was home from school, and was cleaning my room, and I found this picture that has been in my room for as long as I can remember. It was a picture of Jesus and the caption was "Find me first, and then you will find yourself " this hit me like ... Really hard, and made me realize I was trying to get answers the wrong way. It helped remind me, that as independent and self reliant as I think I am, I can't accomplish the things I want to without the lords help.

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