Everyone has different opinions and thoughts towards the civilizing of the western united states during the mid to late 1800's, but you cant deny it wasn't some of the most crucial times this country has ever had. "Out West" had anything your little heart could desire. Anything from get rich quick schemes, (such as gold mining, Silver mining or anything of that matter) couple month long cattle drives and get so much money for each head of beff you brought back, you could become a businessman and start up your own Saloon/ Casino, Become a Dr ( Which I have no idea how you could become certified. I'm sure it went like this "Hey man can you stitch me up real quick?" Oh for sure, ill grab some string a hot iron and a sharp object! "Hey that looks good and is holding up real well!" I should get paid for this.) Other employment opportunities are endless, One could become the town barber and Use those sweet Suicide Straight edges. You could be living life on the edge in the country. Trap for a living, be one of those rebellious young teens who would risk your life to ride on your noble steed for days at a time to deliver mail and be apart of the Pony Express. YOu could change your life around and be the town law. Or you could do what I would have done, and thats become a Bandit/ Outlaw. Okay lets thing about this... You becoming a Outlaw makes sure you have a great horse, unreal amounts of firearms and ammo, a band of brothers like you've never had before, and the thrill of being able to screw over those rich jerks that you couldn't unless you were a Bandit!
I guess before I get going to off track Ill tell yall why I think the "West" is so important. I believe everyone can learn from these times because they lived life in a way that makes every Year, month, week, day, Every breathe they took very important because there is no certainty that they might have a tomorrow. I look up to these folks very highly because of their hard work ethic, getting things done and done right, the attitude they had towards people and they didn't take crap from anyone or let people walk all over them.
The Wild West was more than just an Amazing time period, a lot more. It is the Idea of facing your fears, risking it all, expanding your boundaries, reinventing your self to be the person you wanted to be.
Yes I know we cant live like they did then, because we actually have laws and regulations, but what I hope you take from this is that you can do what you want, be who you want to be, and if someone tries to stop you, Get them out of your life. Take chances because you never know what the outcome will be.
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed" - Teddy Roosevelt |
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