Home.... it can be many places, In high school I thought my home was our incredible baseball field where we practiced and gave our lives to for three years. Home can also be the Mountains where I am able to find peace and keep my sanity. But since I graduated high school about a year and a half ago, I haven't lived at Home all that much. A couple days after graduation Jake Crump and I decided to spend most the summer hunting, fishing, tending, camping, watching movies and eating unreal amounts of food in what I consider the best place in the universe and yes thats Louisiana! After such a crazy redneck summer, I headed down to the land of turkeys for college AKA Snow College. Spend a semester there ( which was the best couple months of my life!!) meet some great friends who I miss dearly because of all the dumb/ crazy things we did. But then decided to go one semester, then leave on my mission, but I ended up leaving after the second semester got over, so I was pretty bummed I could have gone back, but oh well. Then I left on my mission and came back because I had Discovered that my ADHD was like 10000x worse than we thought. We thought we had everything taken care of in 9th grade, but apparently not, I just learned how to cope with it. But the MTC is unlike anything you have ever experienced ever... I would try to describe it to y'all, but unless you've been there and have been there for a mission, you have no idea what its like. The most spiritual place I've ever been to in my life! But it reviles the "flaws" (for lack of a better word) in your character very fast and you learn a lot about your self and the gospel real quick! But back to the main story.. I came home to get my medications fixed and under control, not because I didn't want to go, or I had to much anxiety or missed my friends and family too much, Because I was waiting my WHOLE LIFE for that moment, so don't you EVER think I didn't put ALL that I had it, yeah it was for a short time, but I gave it my all so don't get any weird ideas.
A couple weeks after getting back from my mission I was praying about what I should do with life like School, work, blah blah blahh but I felt I needed to check a website of a place that we stayed for scout camp and varies activities and check for jobs. I found a job link and send in an application for being a " Recreational Guide" And the summer was more than half way over, so I thought there was NO way I was going to be able to get it, then The NEXT day I receive a phone call from The manager asking me about my application I sent in, and after talking to her for about 10 minutes she said " Whens the earliest you can be down here?" and I said Tomorrow and she said "Okay You start working here in 2 days"..... Im thinking " is this a joke??" but I got the job and worked there for 6 or 7 weeks and it was a very awesome summer of Rappelling, 4 wheeling, skeet shooting, paint balling, searching for geods and Squatch. I met some very incredible coworkers! Met alot of crazy tourists and Foreigners! 2 days after my contract ended there, I was to report to school again!
THis is my 2nd semester of college, and Its alot different than last year, but still incredible! Great people and BEing in San Pete makes me happy! BUT i've come to realize I love coming "Home" the giant warm soft bed, the never ending food, TV and movies are good, but It really comes down to the family
I didn't realize how much my family meant to me untill THis weekend of thanks giving break! They are the best and I take them for granted ALL the time and I feel terrible about it, because I dont show love all to well, but If any of yall are reading this I do love yall so much!!!
The main story is I LOVE Louisiana, outdoors, Zion National PArk, San Pete but MOstly my family!!
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