This subject kinda comes up a lot, but the main reason I want to talk about this is because I was scrolling through the channels and on discovery channel they were playing a program named "Zombie Apocalypse"
So here are my thoughts and what I would do if this kind of a epidemic happened.
Well first you need the essentials of human survival and those are 1. Water 2. Food 3. Shelter..... And My personal plan for the Apocalypse would either be going to Camp WIlliams, because you know those army people will hook you up! And you have the ultimate shelter and zombie slaying layer because of the tremendous amount of guns, ammo and all that jazz. Then it comes to having food and water. This place is loaded with survival rations! So posting up at camp williams would be my first choice because it offers everything you need, plus could you imagine smoking zombies from inside a tank?? But thats if it doesn't get taken over. My other plan with is flawless, is one that takes me to San Pete county. I would choose San Pete, most specifically Ephraim because it is basically the center of the valley so you can see from as far as the eye can see both ways. E town would be good because even when there are students there, there is not alot of people! And trust me, on weekends at Snow College its close to being considered an abandoned boom town from the out west days. So even if the virus spread there, there is not alot of people/ living dead/ zombies you would need to worry about. And if the town was over run, you have unlimited amounts of places in the Near by mountains and canyons you can go to for safety. As for food and water, thats why the early pioneers that came across the plans settled there because of all the lakes and rivers that are near, and for food, being the outdoors men I am, could hunt and gather to keep my self and chosen others that are with me. Also if the zombie apocalypse happened during the winter, those zombies would totally freeze! I mean it gets really really cold there! ( thats assuming because I've never seen a zombie movie that is taking place in the winter. thats to my remembrance though)