In today's society we are so easily offended and look for any reason to argue with someone about how there opinion is right and how your opinion doesn't matter. We are in a time where really have to think about what we say, so no ones feelings get hurt. I don't think we should be mean and rude to people about what religion they are, what gender of person they like, who their political figures are, and what teams they like (unless they like the Carolina Panthers or The University of Alabama..)
But we also need to grow up a little and realize that sometimes people are rude, and when they are, there is usually underlying problems that, that person needs help with. Not saying you can say what ever you want and get away with it, but everyone is fighting their own war, and may not show you the battles going on inside them. Along with trying to be nicer to people who are rude, we need to not be victims of everything that is different than what we are used to. We look to be offended by anything that isnt our own opinion and its just sad to see how many silly social media fights are started because of someones beliefs that oppose our own.
Okay, back to the title. No one is equal... lets say I have a friend, and he is my age, around the same height, likes the outdoors, has brown eyes and enjoys watching sports... On paper, we look like we would be the same person, but no, we have so many differences in that he drives a motorcycle and I dont, I love snow boarding and hes never been, he has tattoos and I dont, I am a Mormon and he is atheist. He likes the Raiders and I like the Seahawks. We have so many similarities, but so many differences, and that's makes us good friends. I dont know when or where we got this idea of how different is dangerous, but it has to stop. I say Equality is a lie, because not one single person in this world is the same as you. No one can do the things you do, because you are you, and you have strengths that I dont. Especially being a US citizen, I know how diverse we can be as a people, and we all bring something awesome to the table. Who thought that me, a kid that grew up in the suburbs of Salt Lake City, could go to college, and make friends from people from all over the world. We are not equal and thats what makes life so beautiful, we are able to teach others our skills and in return learn other peoples skills and maybe even learn about new cultures, and make ourselves over all better and more informed people. Not being equal is a great blessing in my life, because we get to experience so many new things... if everyone was equal, then I would have never developed loves for duck hunting, canyoneering, Snow mobiling, Cajun food, crocheting, baseball,napping... you get the point, but because ive had so many unique people in my life, I have been exposed to so many different life styles and have benefited in my life from different people and cultures I have experiences and its made me a better and more open minded person.
So, dont be scared of something that different than you, dont be so close minded that if someone makes a comment that goes against what you say, that you will just fight and not listen to what that person has to say. Some of the best conversations ive ever had, have been discussions with people about what they think of a certain situation, and how they have come to that thought. I love learning about people and their live experiences, everyone has a story to tell and they will tell you and you can learn from each other if you just listen and show that you care about someone that is different than you
Lastly, I think that Equality is a lie, but equal rights, we need more of. I believe that when someone is fighting for a job, that their skin, race, ethnicity or gender should not matter at all. The person who will be the best at the job should get it. To what point does it stop at? sooner or later, the NBA is going to require the starting 5 on every team to have a person of different ethnicity to start, and have a coaching staff that makes so if you have a black head coach who is catholic and straight has to have an assistant who is white, gay and and atheist. (silly, I know, but its getting bad...)
Dont be scared of people that have different views or thoughts than you, and I know I need to work on being nicer to other people, and we all can.
"Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about his religion. Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life. Beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home." - LT Rorke