Well it started off when a son asked his father about being able to use his passport.
James, my dad and I went to Italy to field measure some railings and such for the LDS temple they are starting to make in Rome. So thats why we went!
Okay story time!
We left SLC airport at like 11:00 am and we had an hour delay because there were some problems with the plane, and after that hour the Pilot said something around "Well, I dont want to sit here anymore, so.... we will fill up with more gas and give it a go and hopefully we make it to NY" so that was scary, but we made it to NY with no further problems. The problems all started when we got to NY (More reasons why i hate that dumb state!" but we had to RUN across the airport to get to our plane and we made it in time, but the we sat in the plane for 3 hours because of delays such as: Fixing the plane so we could fly, gas problems, and rain. So basically it was terrible getting crammed on this plane with tons of stinky Italians. The flight was pretty freaking long, like 9 hours. and there was a horde of little italian girls that didnt stop talking theeeee entire flight! luckily I was able to fall asleep for the most part!
We finally make it to Italy after having a broken plane. We land and wait at baggage claim for an hour. NOthing shows up, so we go to the problem with baggage line and wait in line for another hour and sign the paper that has the airport deliver our bags to our hotel room, because those Stupid New Yorkers literally forgot an entire giant thing of peoples bags! So our old neighbor Ugo picked us up and brought us to his friends diner. It was AMAZING! Real Italian food is really good! We eventually make it to our hotel in the Ghetto of Rome, but it was still pretty nice . "The ARS"
from there we walked to a tourist ticket place to buy tickets to get into the Sistine Chapel and St. Peters Basilica!
St Peters Basilica! The highest point was 420 feet high! everything was made out of Travertine, marble and stone. everything was sculpted from dudes with chisels and they did incredible work!
Sistine Chapel museum.. couldnt take pictures in the actual chapel, but imagine a GIANT room full of these pictures! It is the exact dimensions of Solomon's Temple!
We ate at the Trevi fountain and it was the best meal ive ever had! we were SO exhausted from walking in the Hot Italian heat all day! Also the best Coke ive had like... EVER
Seriously the coolest thing I've ever been able to enjoy in my life! It honestly seemed kinda fake until I was able to Stand in the same places those Crazy Romans did while cheering for people hunting animals, watching animal fights, executing criminals(which I think is a pretty good idea), recreating old battles and Finally The GLADIATOR matches! They made the Woman sit at the very top of the stadium because they believed that if a woman made solid eye contact with a gladiator, he could impregnate her! But really... Ive dreamt about coming here for as long as a can remember!
The Forum was build in the 1st century, so Its pretty neat having chilled exactly where the Ancient Romans did! the Forum was the main place to meet, hangout, had the court of law there and many other things! At the very top of it, is a place called " Palestine Hill" that was the Hollywood of Roman TImes. Anybody who was anybody lived on that hill, and most particularly The Almighty Caesar at that time!!
We got settled in and walked around town to get gelato, then went to sleep because we had to start work in the morning. Woke up and got breakfast which was croissants and cold cuts. then we got a taxi and went to the Temple site. Measured things and we went to lunch at this little bar place and ordered some panini's. work work blah blah blah, take a taxi to the hotel and almost hit grips of people on scooters. Once we got back we wondered around more and found a good pizzeria and My dad was leading the way, while james and I are watching him communicate through a series of hand motions and weird non verbal communication we got a table on the upper deck. We sat down and tried to make some sense of the Menu. ( they dont have free water, so the bottle of water are like 5 euro and most the time are carbonated) ate are delicious food and got more gelato ( We went to Gori Gelato EVERY single night because it was so amazing!)
Tuesday we just worked and ate gelato. Wednesday was about the same but that night instead of strolling through the sketchy streets, we went down town Rome to eat. We were driving down the road and turn a corner then BAM!!! colosseum!
Thursday we just worked and explored more and walked in on a catholic mass at a new church ( Which was 450 years old)
Friday was the day we got to explore!!
Woke up and caught a taxi to St Peters Square

From that Absolutely incredible place we WALKED from Vatican City to the Pantheon.
From the fountain we went to the capitol building
And finally we went to thee COLOSSEUM!!
After spending quite some time there and getting sick of our stuck up tour guide we went to the Roman Forum!
So Pretty much friday was one of the best days of my life! Im planning on teaching history as a career, so it just was that much more cool!! I hope to someday be able to go back! ( I threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, so It promises ill be back in my life time, I just hope its soon!) I want to also explore the other Mediterranean places like Greece and Turkey and so on. But until then i'm completely satisfied with my adventures so far! Caio!!