Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Party Sober!! Drugs aren't cool!!

This is a topic that I actually have put a lot of thought and consideration into. That Subject is about Drugs and Drinking.  I For one am all about personal choice, and free agency. But when it comes to using these kinds of substances I think you are crazy for doing them, because there are so many things that can and will go wrong when under the influence of them. They don't appeal to me at all because: 
1. They make it so you can not think clearly and make the best decision you could have (Yeah we all make dumb mistakes, but if you are going to try to do something risky, at least know what you are getting into.)
2. Well for the most part the drugs you would be taking are most likely illegal, so if you get caught doing something incredibly dumb, you will get in a lot more trouble for using illegal substances.
3. Drinking alcohol tastes awful!! (well thats what I hear) 
4. Alcohol/ Drugs are crazy expensive.
5. Using these substances to give you an escape, wont help you out. Lets say you get WASTED out of your mind, and have a lot of fun. That assignment you forgot to do in math is STILL DUE! Or that Job you have to go to everyday will still be there! Drinking and Drugs will not take away your life problems, they will just delay the inevitable. So Wear it and Figure it out! If you have a problem in your life, find a reasonable solution to that problem, instead of hoping it just will disappear and solve its self.

      In this I hope to promote a good friend Trevor Davis's company. That is "Party Sober Clothing" this company is starting out, and is here to "Promote a clear mind, a positive outlook and a drug free life style"  and not only are the clothes  AWESOME! But a percentage of the proceeds go toward teens and young adults struggling with addictions.
     I know I cant change peoples minds for them, but I challenge you not to take that drink, or take that hit. Because it could lead to alot more that just a hit.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Boys and Girls... From a mans point of view.

I needed a break from math, because I was getting super frustrated because I cant remember what to to. So I decided to check out the social media sites, and I noticed the amount of drama thats brought into people lives because of problems with a member of the opposite sex. So here is my whole take on boys and girls interacting amongst each other. 
     Since the Beginning of time females have been deceiving us males. Literally... Adam and Eve. But I don't want to get into that whole thing. But you can see this pattern throughout life, and especially in Tv and movies. Lets take Hercules (which is wrong because "Hercules" is the Roman version of him, Heracles is Greek version. So Disney, get it right!!!)  But hercules the strongest person in the world, the mighty half god, half man, wasn't strong enough to handle a cold hearted woman. Yeah they ended up together, but thats because girls only like guys when they don't give them the time of day anymore, and they realize... " dang... maybe that herc, character really was something, and I miss how he treated me." Ive noticed so many times this same pattern in the real life. (Ex: Boy likes Girl, so he gets her number and calls and texts her, finally he asks her to hangout, then he takes her out on dates. And then Girl says "Hey Boy, thanks for everything! I really enjoy hanging out with you, and we are such GOOD FRIENDS." So Boy using his head, realizes that Girl only wants to be friends. which is fine, because thats what dating is for, to find the type of person you see your self getting married to for time and all eternity. But Boy has a lot of friends, so he doesn't want friends that cost him a lot of money. So Boy stops taking Girl on dates and probably stops talking to her as much as he did.  So Girl thinks "Hmmm I wonder why Boy doesn't talk to me anymore? I said I just wanted to be friends!"
So females of the world, if you tell a guy you just want to be friends, and he happens to not talk to you as much, don't wonder whats wrong with the guy. Realize he OBVIOUSLY LIKED YOU enough to go out of his comfort zone to talk to you, get your number, and take you on dates. So odds are he wanted to be more than just friends.
      This game between boys and girls gets confusing, when each party thinks way to much about the situation. like  "OMG, do I text him first? or let him text me? "okay I got her number, how long to I wait to text her, because if I text her to soon it makes me look desperate. and if I wait too long she'll think i'm not interested." 
   Instead of playing these stupid games, we all do. How about we try a new game? or I guess an Old School game, and tell the person of interest how you really feel about them! If you like someone, tell them. because you never know until you try. If you have something with someone and you don't see things working out, tell them, because getting lead on is the worst! When you are breaking things off with a person, there is no easy way, so just get it over with! Which would you rather have? 1 shot to the head? or 5 to the Chest? feeling will get hurt, but thats what happens when you invest time, energy and heart into.

       So when things don't work out with that "Special Someone" don't be a baby, just wear it and move on, because no one likes sad people, that complain a lot. And lets all try to be more honest toward our fellow human beings! 
This doesn't go with anything, but I told the Lovely ladies of C5 i'd give them a shout out. so here it is! Jenny, Heather and Celeste, yall are awesome! Such fun, awesome, sweet, caring, spiritual, pretty girls!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

"Work Hard, Nap Hard!"

 Yes I stole this quote from thee one and only Si! But he does have a point about how napping makes your life better! So if you don't have enough reason to take naps daily, I'll give you more incentive.

    Our society now expects us to do SO much throughout a day, and we can do remarkable feats of awesomeness. But there is literally no way that we can keep up this extremely intense work ethic for so long. Odds are you are staying up till super late in the night for what ever reason. (Homework, studying, catching up on a TV show, playing Xbox, or just posting up with the homies) What ever the case is, you are in need of more sleep.  So this is why napping is very important! But don't take naps during your class time, because that defeats some of the purpose of napping. Naps are best after you have had a long day of going to class, doing home work and studying. ( for example, I have class from 8:30-2:30 then I usually stay at the library until 4ish to get a majority of my homework done. Then I head back to my apt with my brain drained and body exhausted because the night before I stayed up a lot later than I should have. But Then It comes to Nap time!! Best part of the day because you get to relax and forget about your responsibilities for a little bit, and some benefits of napping is that it gives your brain and body a break from daily strain. Also, taking naps has been known to increase your memory, improve your mood, sharpen your senses and revitalize you, and the naps you take during the day may give you insights to your life that you might not have when you are in a deep sleep at night. But don't nap later than 6 or you will be up till 3am! And you will have to take a nap just to survive, rather than Napping For Pleasure.

   So napping is good for you! besides feeling amazing it offers you many benefits!
"The desire for a short nap during the day does not arise out of laziness, rather the need for the body to rejuvenate."